Cesk� preklad - translation into Czech

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Po marn?m hled?n? cesk?ho prekladu prostred? Construct 2, jsem zacal prostred? prev?det do ce?tiny. / Translation Construct 2 into Czech.

    Retezce v samotn?m jazykov?m souboru jsou prelo?eny pouze z mal? c?sti. Na netu je nekolik zpr?v o prekladu prostred?, nepodarilo se je v?ak dohledat. Uv?t?m kontakt na autora ji? existuj?c?ho prekladu. / Strings in the very language file are translated only in a small part. There are several reports on the translation environment on the internet, but it could not be traced. I'll welcome contact on the author of an existing translation.

    Prelo?en? je ?vodn? str?nka / Is translated startpage:

    Ke sta?en? na adrese / download startpage.html CZ: startpage.html.

    <img src="http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/2159/20120713212436construct.png" border="0">


  • Please stick to english on the forums or provide a translation. Thanks!

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  • Pokial viem tak sa prekladal iba Construct Classic a to ja ale nedokoncil som to, a potom prekladal aj RaistCZ ale ten to tie� nedokoncil. Neviem ako daleko bol Raist ale ja som mal cca 30%

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