[Behavior] Hadoken input

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Total customisation of the input! You can combine inputs from all peripherals. Make your game accessible for everyone!
  • Hi all!

    I'm new in the forums and I'm a Construct 2 user just from 2 weeks ago.

    I have coded a behavior which is very handy for me to debug my games and I just wanted to share with you. It is unfinished because it doesn't save its state and because it is only 2 days old.

    The behavior is for detecting combination of keys (not just keys, but for the sake of simplicity...), just like the special movements of Street Figther 2.

    You can try the first demo here. (You will need a keyboard!)

    Please, don't hesitate to give me your feedback!


    EDIT: It is open source and free of use. You can see the code here.

  • Welcome to Scirra.com and thanks for the behavior

  • Thanks!

  • Very cool, hope to see more from you.

  • perfect for creating cheats

  • I still have to work on functionality, like for example the classical "two seconds back, foward, punch", like the Guile Sonic Boom.

    Very cool, hope to see more from you.

    Thanks! I want to do more extensions to Construct 2, but I'm too newbie with it to have ideas that will be useful. I'm open to suggestions

    perfect for creating cheats

    Yes! As the good old "Down, R, Up, L, Y, B" from Super Nintendo Street Fighter 2

  • Impressive, I'm happy to see options to diversify the gameplay.

    I want to follow the news.

  • Thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I've been adding some new things in my repository: https://sourceforge.net/p/mchiz-constru ... HEAD/tree/

  • What are T1, T2 and T3? Tekken 1, 2 and 3? lol

    I liked the fact that you could press right while holding down for the proper shoryuken motion.

    What does this do for your game again? Did not understand its function with debugging.

  • These are Time 1, Time 2 and Time 3

    This example has proven very useful to me in game development, because sometimes you can't catch things at a normal speed. For the high speed mode, it is useful when you have to arrive to a certain point of the game very fast, for example.

    Also, you can use a shortcut to show some sort of lame UI to present useful values that you want to change in realtime. Maybe the parameters of a effect. This way the artist can fine tune the parameters of the effect to achieve the desired result.

    You can set a shortcut to go to each level (LEVEL1, LEVEL2, whatever), or enabling immunity to check the behavior of the enemies without worrying of being killed, ...

  • Also, you can use a shortcut to show some sort of lame UI to present useful values that you want to change in realtime. Maybe the parameters of a effect. This way the artist can fine tune the parameters of the effect to achieve the desired result.

    You can set a shortcut to go to each level (LEVEL1, LEVEL2, whatever), or enabling immunity to check the behavior of the enemies without worrying of being killed, ...

    Tested again and saw the speed difference I understand the benefits now. Do you mean you can slow down the speed so that you could quicker see the opponents counter behaviour in conjunction with what you do?

    Was also cool to see the individual frame animations for both special moves. Looking forward to more.

  • Yes, that could be useful

    For now I have added another very simple behavior and a feature to the platform behavior. You can check the repository

    I hope to have more time to put in this and other new behaviors. Thanks!

  • For now I have added another very simple behavior and a feature to the platform behavior. You can check the repository

    What do I click on to test the new features you've implemented? When I access the repository, I am having trouble understand which file to select in order to give the new features a go.

  • I still have to learn to use the 'c2addon' files, but installing new behaviors is pretty easy.

    Copy the behavior folder into "%CONSTRUCT2%\exporters\html5\behaviors\" and start Construct 2. The new behavior will appear as a normal one.

    Hope that helps!

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  • Great! I was looking for this, thank you!

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