C2 [R227] doesn't open anymore, bizzare DLL requirement?

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  • Hi! So I haven't used C2 for a while now, but when I now try to boot it, it gives this error message:

     Program cannot start because ÿÿ.DLL is missing from the computer. [/code:1l1rb1s6]
    I don't know which release I was using at first, but I updated to R227 and the bug still persisted. What's the deal with it?
  • Hello,

    First of all try to remove it and reinstall it. Make sure you delete C:\Program Files\Construct 2 folder before you reinstall it.



  • Hi! So I haven't used C2 for a while now, but when I now try to boot it, it gives this error message:

     Program cannot start because ÿÿ.DLL is missing from the computer. [/code:2apkcyc7]
    I don't know which release I was using at first, but I updated to R227 and the bug still persisted. What's the deal with it?

    Unfortunately this follows none of the Bug Reporting Requirements so will likely be closed automatically by Ashley.

    In the meantime, try installing the latest r230 beta. If it still shows the error, then it is likely the problem lies with your PC, usually a driver or OS update.

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  • Fix is to install version r230, worked for me and others. More here:

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