can i publish to xbox and playstation consoles?

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  • i started making a game in gamemaker studio because it offers exporting to those consoles and i didn't see those consoles mentioned on construct's site, but is it actually possible? construct immediately looks more fun than gms does, and it seems to give you access to great features quicker such as physics and inserting video clips, but i really want to sell and play my game on the main hardcore gaming consoles, not just the computer or mobile devices

  • For now only for Wii U. Maybe in the future?

  • Just like EstudioCelula3 said, currently only for Wii U. You can always export to Android-based game console/handheld/gear like Nvidia Shield, OUYA, Razer Forge, etc.

  • Construct 2 just looks so fun and easy, but if it doesn't export to Xbox and PS consoles then my other question is: Can I make a game in Construct 2 and then export or paste the source/code or project to--not sure how to say it because I'm not a programmer--but to any other software that then lets me export the game to Xbox and PS consoles? Some sort of way of making it in Construct 2 but using something else to get it to Xbox and PS consoles? Thanks

  • adamcreator what your asking is not currently possible. and by the sound of it you don't seem to know to much about the game making process. to get on those consoles you have to by dev kits that cost a couple thousand each. you also have to be approved to dev on them. which means you normally have to have released games to show. you should just start off small and make a couple games first

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  • I'm deciding between GameMaker Studio and Construct 2. The latter looks more fun and easy and effective in every way so far, but its apparent lack of exporting to the major gaming consoles, Xbox 360/One and PS3/4/Vita, leaves me wondering if GMS, which clearly exports to those consoles, is my only choice. So my question is: Is there ANY way for me to make a game in Construct 2...and then export it to those consoles with an extra step?

    As for $2000 each to release on Xbox and PS consoles, the last I checked it was $99 each, at least for a year. I'll look into it soon.

    Edit: I literally just signed up for both Xbox and PS, and neither mentioned any fees, the dev kits are free too. URLs:

  • Microsoft actually recently announced that they will make it possible to submit HTML5 games on their platform soon. So hopefully you'll be able to submit Construct2 games sometime this year. But I suspect that the standards for accepting the submitted games will be high and if this will be your first game it will likely not be accepted

  • Microsoft actually recently announced that they will make it possible to submit HTML5 games on their platform soon. So hopefully you'll be able to submit Construct2 games sometime this year. But I suspect that the standards for accepting the submitted games will be high and if this will be your first game it will likely not be accepted

    Thanks that's great news! As for the PlayStation consoles and my main question, if I make a game in Construct 2, can I then somehow with an extra step(s) eventually export it to Xbox and PS consoles? For example, can something translate the code into C++ (I have no idea what I'm talking about since I'm not a programmer!) which is then useable in a software that does allow export to Xbox and PS consoles? Thanks!

  • Theres no automated way to "translate" the Javascript and XML that comes out of Construct2 into another language. It might be theoretically possible to extend the Xbox or PS browser to support all the HTML5 features that C2 uses, but you are better off waiting for Microsoft and Sony to add native support for HTML5 games. Alternately, have a go with Unity or Unreal, though, as I understand it, the learning curve is much steeper and there are some publishing hurdles to overcome on that front also.

    I would like to see support for 3DS and PSP, but the wind just isn't blowing that way.

  • Yes Unity with Playmaker plugin is possible but still would rather keep it simple, GameMaker Studio or Construct 2 for now. So it sounds like Construct2 uses its own special language, same as GMS with its GML language. I was hoping C2's language might simply be whatever more universal kind. Well since someone mentioned Xbox is doing the HTML5 thing soon, there's that to look forward to. Thanks for the info

  • Adamcreator, please wait the Windows 10 debut. Maybe we can to export C2 games to W10 and play them in Xbox.

  • That would be awesome!:) So far I'm leaning towards Construct 2 since I don't want to get into GameMaker Studio's GML, but I'm spending today on playing with game-makers. Plus, the important thing is probably to make a good game. I assume if it's good enough it'll be easy enough to get some company to port it to other consoles. Microsoft and Sony perhaps? Hehehe!

  • yes microsoft stated in an email that windows 10 uwa apps can be run on xbox one!:) so xbox one may be the first video game console to run c2 games!

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