Can i still use Construct 1 to Dev game ?

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  • Hi all I am new to Construct and I am wondering if I can still use Construct 1 to dev a game with still.

    I did look at the Help & Tutorials and it look like the engine I have been looking for for a vary long time.

    I have been looking at the newer version of Construct 2 on your forum and think I want to what for it to develop a little more.I am hoping that I can use what I learn from Construct 1 and use it in Construct 2 at the same time I am develop my Game and GFX for my project.

    I see that Construct look a lot Like MMF2 but dos not cost 120$ to buy ,thats a big plus for me right now ,but most of all I love the Help & Tutorials the user have made.I cant believe it I can understand them,Seem the user that made them did their best to help you more so than try to Geek you out with what thy know This Newbie Construct user thanks you for that

  • This is asked a lot lately, but yes you can still use C1. It hasn't degraded since C2 came into the picture And it's still being worked on.

    As you said C2 still needs a lot of work, so using C1 (or C0.x as it is also called now) is probably your best bet.

  • I prefer C1's design to MMF2, but MMF2 will work more easily on more computers (no DirectX updating hassles etc.).

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  • This is asked a lot lately, but yes you can still use C1. It hasn't degraded since C2 came into the picture And it's still being worked on.

    As you said C2 still needs a lot of work, so using C1 (or C0.x as it is also called now) is probably your best bet.

    Thank you for responding to my post. I am vary happy to see that C1 is still alive and doing well and is being updated by the user base of C1. I have Downloaded most of the Help & Tutorials files that relate to the tip of game I have been planing for a vary long time.

    I am all so looking for player made game that are space games something along the lines of Star Flight and XCom to study and learn from all so to ask throws user question about the games thy have built.

    Ones again thank you for responding to my post.

  • yeah, I'm using c09x for a major project now. it's still very usable and very powerful.

    also, the help/tech support forum is very helpful

  • Of course. Currently, C2 is but a shell of the greatness C1 embodies. I've been working on a major game project for over a year. C1 is way more powerful than C2 at the moment. It will take a long time before C2 gets its .exe runtime, and all the features C1 has.

  • I'm roughly 68% done with what will be my first completed project on Construct, and progress is going well; better than any other of my projects (ie I might actually finish this one this time).

    I've tinkered around with C2 now and then, here and there, and have gotten some surprising results and I like how things are shaping up; however, and I've said this a lot, at this stage, I see no reason to abandon using the feature-rich C0.x for the bare-bones C2. Right now C2 is kind of in its novelty stage, its "Oh look, this is all pretty cool." It won't stay that way forever, as it inevitably gets more and more powerful, but right now Construct1 has a good several years head-start in terms of actual practical usability.

  • Are there any recommendations for new users of C0.x, such as features that are known to be buggy or broken, or practices that are best avoided?

    I've read the letter to the community and the Phenomenon 32 article, but the problems still seem ambiguous (to me).

  • Are there any recommendations for new users of C0.x, such as features that are known to be buggy or broken, or practices that are best avoided?

    I've read the letter to the community and the Phenomenon 32 article, but the problems still seem ambiguous (to me).

    That is a Outstanding post and one I like to know as well , did not think to ask it at all

  • Might be handy to have a list of those thing stickied.

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