Can someone figure out what could be wrong?

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  • Hi,

    My game is complicated, but to describe the problem, assume a Air Hockey type game, which also have a 2 player mode: Screen split in halves, where both players can control their Paddles on each side of the screen using Drag and Drop behavior.

    I have also used Has Nth Touch functions to work with 'specific' players' Touches and Releases during the game.

    It works perfectly fine during the preview (on any browser), and also via preview over Wifi on my Android device. I can control both players with two hands independently.

    Problem is, when I compile, export (via CocoonJS Ludei exporter) and run it on my device, it no longer respond to any touch! The paddles do not get dragged, absolutely no response to any touch anywhere. Although the game runs fine otherwise, physics behaviors are working, only Touch has no response only in that two player mode.

    Please help me figure out, what could be the problem.


  • Someone please help!

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  • What error messages do you get when running the game in the cocoonjs app from a zip? Assuming it represents cocoonio compilation.

  • you mean, in the CocoonJS Launcher app?

  • What error messages do you get when running the game in the cocoonjs app from a zip? Assuming it represents cocoonio compilation.

    No error at all. I tried the Launcher app, and viewed Errors, there are none!

    It's only that the Touch does not do anything after compilation, whereas, it works fine in Preview on Chrome, and Preview over Wifi on Device.

    Really confused!

  • If it works on the Ludei launcher app but not after compilation then it sounds like it's probably a bug with Your best bet might be to contact them directly; they'll probably ask for a copy of your project to see what's going wrong. It's been a long time since I used cocoon(js not io) and they typically took a couple of days to answer emails, but I'm sure they'll be interested in fixing their product. Out of interest, do your previews work in chrome browser on your mobile?

  • If it works on the Ludei launcher app but not after compilation then it sounds like it's probably a bug with Your best bet might be to contact them directly; they'll probably ask for a copy of your project to see what's going wrong. It's been a long time since I used cocoon(js not io) and they typically took a couple of days to answer emails, but I'm sure they'll be interested in fixing their product. Out of interest, do your previews work in chrome browser on your mobile?

    Wait, just to clarify, it does not work on Ludei launcher, it simply does not show any error, but no response to touch when dealing with drag/drop or even Has-Nth-Touch.

    It works on both: Preview on my laptop's Chrome browser, and Preview on my Mobile's Chrome browser.

    So yes, it's fine on device (chrome preview), which means no programming mistake. Right?

  • Sorry - in that case I don't know what could cause the problem. I am not sure whether or not multi-touch should be supported by; I am presuming it is otherwise you would have received error messages in the launcher. is the forum expert on all things Ludei - perhaps he might be able to help...?

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