Candy Factory

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From the Asset Store
Strange factory themed set of tiles for your platformer game
  • Hi Guys! I'm being through a tough decision here I want to make a game called "Candy Factory" and This is the first time I make a game with isometric art and a 1280, 720 px layout, so I was hesitant to continue and progress this game. I only made the loading screen (without loading bar since I didn't finished it). The game is about owning a candy. factory & to sell candy you must have resources so you must plant cocoa trees, strawberries, sugar canes, and wheat., get milk & eggs for some types of candy then you can sell them after manufacture them. You can also upgrade your machines for higher & faster performance, for example upgrade windmill to make dough faster .

    That is the idea & that is the first view: I don't want to take a risk of having a really bad game so please guide me to the right choice "either to to choose it or lose it!" eli0s that is a big layout or not for this game??

  • Naji, this will require mastery in array manipulation

    Is this a long term project? I don't see myself finishing something like this alone in less than 6 month... I don't know about others..

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  • Naji, this will require mastery in array manipulation

    Is this a long term project? I don't see myself finishing something like this alone in less than 6 month... I don't know about others..

    That's why I don't want to take a risk to make it now, cuz I have only two weeks for a game and then school will begin, so I will not have such time as before. is it possible in two weeks?

  • In two weeks you're probably get a simple prototype, or the data management part, if you have the time all day. But who knows, different people has different speed, as for me, I don't have the speed in building prototype.

  • DuckfaceNinja do you think it worth working on it? I don't like to make something I'm not in deep knowledge of it. I actually know arrays but master of it? No, I',m still intermediate. I can spend lots of time on it if it worth it.

  • I would say generally learning just about anything will worth it in long term. As for array, the better you are at it, the bigger possibility of you accessing more complex games genre.

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