Cannot reset account password.

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  • 4 posts
  • So I have an alternate username and I know the email it is attached to. I put the information in the password reset screen and It is not sending the information to my email. This is a big problem as its the one I bought Construct 2 with. I get the feeling it was hijacked. I checked my spam folders and trash. Nothing. I thought maybe it was something on my end so I tried resetting with this account and it was flawless. Can anyone help?!

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  • So I have an alternate username and I know the email it is attached to. I put the information in the password reset screen and It is not sending the information to my email. This is a big problem as its the one I bought Construct 2 with. I get the feeling it was hijacked. I checked my spam folders and trash. Nothing. I thought maybe it was something on my end so I tried resetting with this account and it was flawless. Can anyone help?!

    You really need to email and give them all the details. A Scirra employee should then be able to help.

  • Thanks alot I will do that.

  • Sorry did another post...

    same Problem here... did you get a response?

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