Changing object's main image points?

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  • Hi,

    I know you can choose an image point of the object ''b'' while moving ''a'' to ''b''.

    But is there a way to actually change the origin point of let's say the player dynamically? Choose between several image points.


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  • nup, there is not. but you could use the X.y coordinates of the player, since they always refer to image point 0. the way to do this would be like this:

    player.x, player.y = default 0

    player.x+10, player.Y+10 = dynamically changed on runtime.

    you could even set this to something like: player.X+variable, player.Y+variable.

    anyway, it's rather simple actually =P

  • nup, there is not. but you could use the X.y coordinates of the player, since they always refer to image point 0. the way to do this would be like this:

    player.x, player.y = default 0

    player.x+10, player.Y+10 = dynamically changed on runtime.

    you could even set this to something like: player.X+variable, player.Y+variable.

    anyway, it's rather simple actually =P

    Oh nice idea. thanks

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