CocoonJS not working

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Ok I know there is a thread for this plugin already but its bloated so I'm posting a new one.

    Basically I added the object to my project, i set the api key, then i listen out for the ready event, i then tell it to show my leaderboard as a simple test. I use a flag variable to make sure the call only happens once

    in Chrome it runs fine and it comes up with the leaderboard saying no high scores yet, cool

    export it for cocoonjs, use the cocoonjs launcher to launch it on my Android phone, ipad, and iphone and its the same result everytime, nothing happens, no errors in the console or anything the leaderboard just does not appear

    Am i missing something?


  • ok i found this:

    which indicated i need to add the files to the zip, which i have now done but its still not working

    in the console i can see its connected to without any problems and calls the leaderboard, the last thing in the console is "Creating the modal" yet nothing appears?

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  • Well it was a bad move posting a new thread. austin is pretty active and supportive of the plugin and offers genuine help in a quick way.

    Hope this alert will catch his attention, or prefer posting in the "bloated" topic.

  • Yep, this has been fixed :)

  • oh really austin ?


  • Nice one cheers Austin

  • austin

    I tried to integrate with CocoonJS, but what I faced now is exactly same with this issue. I can see something is going on in background about through the console. There's no error but it just doesn't work, actually, nothing happens. I have several buttons and it have to show the leaderboard or post on the Facebook when I press it but nothing happens. I updated both for the newest version(in case of CocoonJS, 1.4 version).

  • Yeah, looks like there are some changes in CocoonJS 1.4. Follow the thread here:

  • Hi every one.

    Any one integrate with Construct2 and CocoonJS successful? On Ludei CocoonJS, I compiled projects in both modes (Canvas/WebGL and Running With Webview) but it did't work. With Canvas/WebGL, nothing happened when use Tweet or Share Facebook Function. With Webview, blackscreen happened. My game use the latest plugin version.

    You can try on Playstore (the none integration):

  • I had a question for austin, I tried this just now, and was wondering if I missed something. When I run the game in the browser, my Clay.IO tweet button works fine, but when I deploy via CocoonJS they don't do anything. Any help is appreciated!

  • Hi every one.

    Any one integrate with Construct2 and CocoonJS successful? On Ludei CocoonJS, I compiled projects in both modes (Canvas/WebGL and Running With Webview) but it did't work. With Canvas/WebGL, nothing happened when use Tweet or Share Facebook Function. With Webview, blackscreen happened. My game use the latest plugin version.

    You can try on Playstore (the none integration): ... lovingbird

    sorry for the off topic question. Just curious, what resolution have you used for your game?

  • I will use your topic to ask a question to austin .

    I've sent a mail about that but still haven't get a reply.

    What about the advertisement plugin. (scirra ads) It does not work in C2.

    I would really like to implement some adc in my html browser game.

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