Construct 2 need's an updater

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • The Construct 2 version's are releasing faster. I have to uninstall it and then install the new one. That's just a pain. I hope you guys understood.

  • It's something we want to do in future, but there's a lot to do, and we'd rather do other features first. It's not *that* much of a bother installing a new version, is it? Surely only takes a minute or two.

  • download + installing takes 30 minutes. And 50% times the project crash and I have to create a new project from start.

  • It's something we want to do in future, but there's a lot to do, and we'd rather do other features first. It's not *that* much of a bother installing a new version, is it? Surely only takes a minute or two.For us with bad internet even five megabytes is much to download. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> But I guess it's a new era and for us with bad internet we just have to accept it.

  • If we had an auto updater, it wouldn't make the internet any faster! It would still take 30 minutes to download via the auto-updater. So I don't see it saving any time there. I agree it would be convenient, but it's a complicated feature to write, and given we're working really hard right now I'd rather not work on features unless they're really important.

    And 50% times the project crash and I have to create a new project from start.

    Do you report those issues? Updates shouldn't cause crashes that often :S Judging from what I've heard, updates generally work OK.

  • Not sure how it goes for everyone else, but I double click the download file, it starts the install and suggest I remove the old installation, then it installs.

    It's really easy. No make files, no command lines, no launching of cmd.exe etc. But yes, for some it may take a while to download.

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  • Maybe its time to upgrade from your Pentium 2 and 56k.

  • For us with bad internet even five megabytes is much to download. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> But I guess it's a new era and for us with bad internet we just have to accept it.

    I've always (and still do) have had bad internet. This is nothing new.

    At some point (when C2 will be stable and an official release) maybe there will be updates contaning only the exes and files that need to be modified.

    But for now, as a beta release, it's easier support-wise to have a single package with all the required files at once.

    Also, as far as updates and informations on those goes you can always click the "Construct 2 new releases" checkbox in your "edit my profile" page.

    It sends you an email (to the adress you setted) each time (and only when) a new release is out.

  • source,

    not everyone has that option.

  • Download speed and CPU power have nothing to do with the way updates are handled. On an unrelated note, multi-core 3GHz CPUs are available for as low as 40? and broadband internet is pretty widespread now. I don't see why should the majority be bogged down by select few unfortunates still stuck in the P2 and 56Kb era.

    The updater would be nice and convenient, however it is not absolutely necessary. We can live without it, unlike certain upcoming C2 features. Remember that Scirra isn't all that great in body count, however big their aspirations are.

    Besides, I tend to be wary about auto-updaters, having gained a few grey hairs from update failures.

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