Debugger differences in tabs

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  • I just noticed something in the debugger with my current project.

    when I run the debugger, with the "inspect tab" open, I get constant 30fps ~12% cpu usage

    But when I check the "profile tab", I get 60fps ~13% cpu usage :

    Is it suposed to be this way?, cos I had not noticed that before.

  • That is because the inspect tab checks a lot of things each ticks, it is meant to be like that, try to use the watch values when you can

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  • That is because the inspect tab checks a lot of things each ticks, it is meant to be like that, try to use the watch values when you can

    Thanks :D

    I was under the impression it all ran all the time, seems I was mistaken :D

    Recently I've been trying to reduce all my collision checks as close 0 as possible. And started monitoring the performance of the various sheets, and just now noticed the difference.

    Thats quite a huge gap I must say, 30fps or 60fps.

    It probably has something to do with all the automated zooming I have on the various layers. (seeing the layer scales number with like 10 decimals spin like crazy)

  • I've had an odd problem with the debugger in chrome where it will come up locked at 30fps. Doesn't matter what tab is up. Are you using chrome? That being said, it's not a common occurance; I can usually just bring it back up and it's back to 60. But a couple times I had to reboot...

  • I've had an odd problem with the debugger in chrome where it will come up locked at 30fps. Doesn't matter what tab is up. Are you using chrome? That being said, it's not a common occurance; I can usually just bring it back up and it's back to 60. But a couple times I had to reboot...

    I test on chrome and firefox (and even IE >_> ), both give me near same results.

    I have not experienced the locking up effect you mention.

    IE11 has some nice new performance measurement: CTRL + SHIFT + U

    That will show you frame rate and processor usage without a debugger or events controlling it

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