decraese particles rate

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  • 11 posts
From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • Hi,

    Please take a look to this capx.

    When i test it on internet explorer it works fine.

    1. click on the boy sprite.

    2. particles rate will increase.

    3. the boy sprite will disappear.

    4. particles rate will decrease.

    5. the new boy sprite will appear.

    But, my problem is when i test it on firefox or export it through phonegap to android phones it's not working properly.

    1. click on the boy sprite.

    2. particles rate will increase.

    3. the boy sprite will disappear.

    4. particles rate will NOT decrease.

    5. the new boy sprite will NOT appear.

    Does anyone know why this is happened and is there another way to create the same effect.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I think my post should be under the how do i section. How can i move it please?

  • It seems you wanna use a one shot particle


    didn't test it but should work.

    Little note for Ashley

    I noticed that there wasn't a property to randomize particle rotation on creation. Also it would be interesting to have a rotation speed too (and rotation speed randomizer)

    Which isn't exactly the same as the actuall angle randomizer.

  • The same problem Yann it works fine on internet explorer but doesn't work in the way on firefox or mobile.

  • works the same on firefox and google chrome... didn't test on ie... I'm still on ie8 and too lazy to update that thing.

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  • Yann I test both my capx and yours on firefox and android phones but its not working unless i decrease the size of the particles to be like 500 instead of 1000. which will not hide the whole sprite :(

    If the size of the particles is 1000, it works fine on ie9 (the particles appear and then disappear). but on firefox and android "exported through phonegap" (the particles will appear and stay there).

  • ah "exported through phonegap" ... I've never done that... Can't help you on that (: But the way I used the particle object is the way you should normally use it for an instant effect like yours.

    For the rest, maybe you should try to post your issue on the bug forum.

  • Thanks for ur help Yann :)

  • Can u help me Ashley with this issue. Is it a bug? if Yes, so how can i make the same effect and make it works on mobile device.

  • Any Help please?

  • I think my post should be under the how do i section or the bug section. How can i move it please?

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