Destroy Berlin! a game about gentrification

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • We just released our first satirical online game, made with Construct2.

    It is a kind of reverse tower defense, where you have to dispatch police units to beat up ugly poor people woh refuse to make space for the beautiful and wealthy.

    If you have any comments or ideas how to improve the game please tell me.

  • Cool! I don't live in Berlin so a lot of satire probably went past me but of course the problem isn't confined to Berlin.

    It feels a bit silly to talk about in a game like this but I think the game would be a bit smoother with some balance changes.

    Like, it took me some time to figure out that being photographed also give you energy. It would be better if I knew that from the start and if there was more cocaine around. I needed to be photographed just to keep my energy up, which meant popularity was never a problem (or was that intentional?).

    I wasn't sure what was happening with the coloured bars over the police.

  • The Kreuzberg Problem Same down here in Frankfurt.

    Will give your game a try when I'm home.

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  • Cool! I don't live in Berlin so a lot of satire probably went past me but of course the problem isn't confined to Berlin.

    It feels a bit silly to talk about in a game like this but I think the game would be a bit smoother with some balance changes.

    Like, it took me some time to figure out that being photographed also give you energy. It would be better if I knew that from the start and if there was more cocaine around. I needed to be photographed just to keep my energy up, which meant popularity was never a problem (or was that intentional?).

    I wasn't sure what was happening with the coloured bars over the police.

    Thanks for the feedback, Erfeo! I will change the balancing and manual. Unfortunately it takes Kongregate 1-2 days to update.

    Is there also displacement in your city?

  • Haha, I definitely liked it.

    It's a sweet and funny little mini-game with crude humour. Interesting concept and nice art-style though.

    Thanks for that.

  • Ah man, Kongregate won't let me play on a tablet. But I bet it's possible

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