Disable Test mode property of Windows 8 object

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This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • Disabling the test mode property of the Windows 8 object took me longer than I would like to admit. I searched all over the website and the manual and could not find any information that explained exactly how to do it. The only thing useful in my searching was the manual page that mentioned the existence of the property.


    It turns out to be a newbie type issue. I kept expecting to see the Windows 8 object in my "Object Bar" window. Seems logical, right... Well it turns out certain objects, like the Windows 8 object, can only be found in the "Project Bar" window under the "Object types" folder. Once you know that, it's as simple as clicking on the Windows 8 object and then setting properties like any other object via the "Properties Bar" window.

    Hopefully this comes up quickly in the search for any other newbies racking their brains on this issue. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • It's odd because if you don't add a Windows 8 object under there, then you won't get any trouble over the project being in test mode, but if you add a Windows 8 object then the default for Test Mode is Yes and you can have trouble running the project once it's exported.

    If you've added a Windows 8 object (under Object Types in the Projects tab) then you can set Test Mode to No.

  • Disabling the test mode property of the Windows 8 object took me longer than I would like to admit. I searched all over the website and the manual and could not find any information that explained exactly how to do it. The only thing useful in my searching was the manual page that mentioned the existence of the property.

    It turns out to be a newbie type issue. I kept expecting to see the Windows 8 object in my "Object Bar" window. Seems logical, right... Well it turns out certain objects, like the Windows 8 object, can only be found in the "Project Bar" window under the "Object types" folder. Once you know that, it's as simple as clicking on the Windows 8 object and then setting properties like any other object via the "Properties Bar" window.

    Hopefully this comes up quickly in the search for any other newbies racking their brains on this issue. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you very much, this was really bothering me. I wasn't sure that the Test Mode was being set by Construct 2. I was looking for a solution in Visual Studios to no avail.

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