Early morning rant....

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  • 7 posts
  • Do you know what 'get's my goat' ?

    The number of users who, when asking for help, have to add something like:

    '....MMF2/GamemMaker/Other program etc... does it like this, or has this feature', etc.


    I have never used MMF2 and never will, so referring to other programs is pointless and just winds me up <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Rant over.

    I feel better now.


  • The reason why is because they want to see if it is done in similar similar fashion with Construct. In the case of MMF2 it usually is very close to how Construct does things, as Construct was influenced by MMF/MMF2.

  • I liked how strings had $

  • I understand zen.

    It might be just as Jayjay explained, but it still doesn't help in any way. It's assuming we all have experiences with mmf or gm or whatever other app, to be able to compare it.

    Just asking is better than often having to read, how it is done in other game creators. This isn't other game creators, it is Construct ;)

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  • People just like to describe things in terms of what they already know.

    We often get questions on the forum like "how do I make a game like [obscure game from the 90s]?"

    The next question is usually "what was it like?" :)

  • People just like to describe things in terms of what they already know.

    We often get questions on the forum like "how do I make a game like [obscure game from the 90s]?"

    The next question is usually "what was it like?" :)

    This. In terms of tools, it's like when people ask for something named differently in Construct, so they have to describe it for us to understand what they mean (action point in MMF becomes image point in Construct).

  • I just love how you can have multiple image points.

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