Facebook Instant Games Platform

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Wanting to do a Shot n Run game easily? Here is your chance!
  • Hey Homies,

    Anyone know about this? I guess it just launched:

    https://developers.facebook.com/blog/po ... osed-beta/

    'Instant Games, launching in closed beta, opens up a unique opportunity for game developers to lower the friction for people to discover and instantly enjoy playing games without having to install new apps. Using only one build that will run in web view, developers can easily deploy their Instant Games across multiple platforms to reach the 1.79 billion people on Facebook, as well as 1 billion people on Messenger. Facebook News Feed posts also include the “Instant Play” call-to-action to help drive distribution and discovery of new games.'

    Of course they're launching with some heavy hitting companies, but seems like it could be great for Construct.

  • finally, I was waiting for this! I was thinking... why if I make canvas app I can't play from mobile? finally they made it! and if support all of sdk (like php, java...) I have everything ready to go for making a good game!

    this is a realy great news!

    Ashley, take a look of this, this is really powerfull and construct2 is perfect for that! if is possible to make games for facebook on mobile will change everything! expecially if you can sell the game or if support the payment like the canvas app

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  • Ribis I was thinking that, too. Why can't I just blast a demo out right to all my potential players? But then of course, the market will get pretty saturated with at some point and my feed will be filled with games..

  • Ribis I was thinking that, too. Why can't I just blast a demo out right to all my potential players? But then of course, the market will get pretty saturated with at some point and my feed will be filled with games..

    This is pretty awosome, I already made some project in canvas with all feature working on facebook, and if I the app will works on mobile is amazing! because most people who use facebook use just the mobile.

    and if you can sell your game, like unlock new levels...etc, we have a great opportunity to make some money with facebook.

  • Man, this is going to be HUGE.

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