Feature wish: Search across all event sheets in a project

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From the Asset Store
With this template you can create your own archer game and customize it however you want.
  • Maybe this has been asked for several times already I dunno. But now that my project is starting to get a whole heap of event sheets it's become a chore to search through them all when I need to find obscure stuff to fix.

    Could we have this in C2?


  • Are you using bookmarks? https://www.scirra.com/manual/165/bookmarks-bar

  • I didn't know about that. That's super-useful, thanks for the tip!

    But my problem is a little bit different; I have some sprites that get duplicated when they shouldn't be on new layouts. It's all a bit weird and seems to have started happening out of the blue. It's probably something I've done *somewhere* that I forgot about but I can't do a search for these sprites except by going through each event sheet one by one.

    So I'm thinking a more comprehensive search function would help make debugging a lot easier, at least for larger projects.

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  • I second this. I did something the other day, where I got sick of typing out this long group name so I changed the group name to be shorter - then had to find every reference to it across about 12 event sheets. I never knew the search feature was limited to only a single sheet until that time.


  • But my problem is a little bit different; I have some sprites that get duplicated when they shouldn't be on new layouts. It's all a bit weird and seems to have started happening out of the blue. It's probably something I've done *somewhere* that I forgot about but I can't do a search for these sprites except by going through each event sheet one by one.

    Oh I see. In that case +1 to your request, especially since it was asked from Scirra several times.

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