[Feedback] Jerry The Garbage Guy

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  • I just started making a small retro style arcade game after playing a bit with a pixel art software (I thought it would be nice to make a game which looks "clean" for once ).

    Would love to have your input to improve it on any kind of level (gameplay, music, art...), the background is a bit empty, any suggestions to fill it a bit?

    I plan to make a "story" mode, probably around 20 levels with a boss at the end, and an endless mode. It won't be much but at least I'm sure I can finish it and it should be (at least a bit) enjoyable

    Have a try here https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-games/jerry-the-garbage-guy-21668

  • Actually it is poorly documented. Controls, mechanic, the gameplay - it should be shortly explained, at least.

  • Actually it is poorly documented. Controls, mechanic, the gameplay - it should be shortly explained, at least.

    Yes you're right I just put quickly what I had done on the arcade haha. I put a new version on the arcade, where I added a temporary menu with a Help screen which explains quickly how to play.

    I finished to do the first 10 levels (I need to twitch a bit the difficulty for 6-7-8-9 I think) and the tenth level is a bonus stage. Now I just need to do the boss for level 20 and it's almost over

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  • Almost done I just finished making the boss!

    Now I have 10 levels (level 5 is a bonus level, level 10 is the boss). Only things lefts are making a better menu, a better ending, adding some sounds and music for the boss, and maybe a few funny lines of dialogue too would be a nice extra.

    I will update the arcade so you can try the boss.

  • Pretty much finished everything now, except for the sound. I guarantee that those who we will have the patience (and the skill ).

    It would be great if anyone could give me a feedback about the difficulty now

  • The game actually has a really nice core loop.

    The art is also fitting. it took me a bit though to understand what do there.

    but overall the game play is fun

    Good job!

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