Fix timescale issues for mobile phones

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  • I was recently working on a mobile phone game which runs really well on both my phones (Sony Xperia x10, and Samesung galaxy nexus) on the cocoonjs app. And after testing it I felt I could compile the game into an .apk and then re-test both games on my phones. However after compiling the game through cocoonjs's cloud compiling service I realized I was getting a bit of issues with sound (not much of a big deal) and a MAJOR glitch that would freeze the game on my Samsung when the timescale was changed. I had no issues with this problem on my xperia x10.

    This was no ordinary freeze, this kind of freeze would leave the game frozen, forcing me to kill the app.

    I originally used the timescale to imitate a slow-motion effect. It does in fact work properly on the xperia x10 which is a really low-end device, however on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus the game crashes when I activate slow-motion. HOWEVER, slow-motion does work when I test the game through the cocoonjs app on both phones, so I don't really understand why I'm having this issue after compiling the game only on my Samsung, considering the game runs fairly well on both phones through the cocoonjs app. I was told if the game runs properly in cocoonjs then compiling it will give similar results after publishing your game, but yet I'm having this issue.

    Does anyone know the problem or how I could fix it?

  • Sounds like a problem with cocoonjs's compiling system if the tester app works fine. You might want to report it to ludei.

  • I would bet that this isn't caused by setting the timescale. It's probably something else that happens simultaneously. Timescale is extremely simple and handled in pure javascript, so I cannot imagine any way that it could be related to your problem.

  • I would bet that this isn't caused by setting the timescale. It's probably something else that happens simultaneously. Timescale is extremely simple and handled in pure javascript, so I cannot imagine any way that it could be related to your problem.

    I'll try looking over my event sheet, but the problem at the moment is that its only occurring on my samsung galaxy nexus, whereas the sony xperia x10 ( a lower end device) doesn't have this problem and the time scale changes run perfectly fine on the xperia x10. Although it seems the app runs fine on the cocoonjs tester app for both phones. The problem only occurs on the samsung galaxy after the file is compiled to apk and then played.

    Also I'm not saying that timescale is the problem, I was wondering if anyone else knew why this was happening or knew any possible solutions on how I could fix it. I'll check for software updates on my galaxy nexus as well to see if that will fix the issue.

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  • Sounds like a problem with cocoonjs's compiling system if the tester app works fine. You might want to report it to ludei.

    I'll check over my event sheet and retest the game on my samsung, and if I'm unable to fix it then I'll contact ludei. I thought I would post this up incase someone else knew the solution to my problem. But I think it could very well be an issue with my samsung. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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