Flappy Bruce Lee

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From the Asset Store
Full arcade game inspired by Flappy Bird. Simple one-touch controls, and a scoring system.
  • Hello there.

    Let me introduce you to my first game made with Construct 2... Flappy Bruce Lee.

    Yep another Flappy Bird clone... but with a different KICK !

    It's my first finished game, available on the Google Play Store.

    I've never played Flappy Bird, but came accross a clone featuring Teemo (from League of Legends) with terrible hit detection and told myself... why not making a clone too.

    It was more of a joke than anything else and was intended to be played by my work collegue, but since they liked it, I put it on the Play Store for everyone to enjoy.

    My Google Play Store experience

    It has been downloaded more than 1500 time, and got some great feedback about it.

    I had a hard time figuring out how to sign the .apk at first but thanks to the wonderful people on the forum it made it possible.

    FBL had been updated a numerous time already, last update was the "Cosmetic Update" wich added more than 15 costumes to the game (making it a total of 20 costumes).

    Too bad I wasn't able to put a leaderboard ingame so people could compete, hell, let's make a real game forth competing for

    That's it folks.

    You can find FBL on the Play Store or play it on my website.

    Good day, good day.

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  • Good job!

  • Looks like fun

  • Could be my phone but when I open it I get a black screen and then it goes back to my phone home screen...

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