graphical precaution?

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  • 4 posts
  • I am currently designing a shoot em up game meant to be played on mobile and tablet.

    Since I have like 3 years of experience in C2 I know how to make events in a safe way, but one question I am asking is:"what kind of things can make the gpu do more work?"

    Like for exemple, does setting the angle actually really make the GPU do more work to redrawn the sprite at an angle?

    Or other things like that

    Thanks in advance.

  • I am currently designing a shoot em up game meant to be played on mobile and tablet.

    Since I have like 3 years of experience in C2 I know how to make events in a safe way, but one question I am asking is:"what kind of things can make the gpu do more work?"

    Like for exemple, does setting the angle actually really make the GPU do more work to redrawn the sprite at an angle?

    Or other things like that

    Thanks in advance.

    I think the best way it's to try every single "doubt" with a debug and test on mobile... I have the similar problem for my game...

    I means, I made the map with the tilemap, but when the player is going to a specific region of the tilemap (45* degrees collision) I will lost like 20fps, and actually I don't know why...

    another, the mb of the images are very important, if you make a less mb will be better, save a png for the web for example will save a lot of kb...

  • Ribis

    The debbuger doesn t show the graphical operations, maybe it is not a problem but I doubt it.

    Also since images are fully uncompressed in memory, png compression should not be a performance factor

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  • As long as you follow the basic mobile graphical guideline there isn't a problem. CPU consumption is more of a concern.

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