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  • Hello Again!

    i am starting with construct, learning trought tutorials and videos.

    After work with the ghost shooter tutorial, i was thinking in "remake" some basic tittles to follow understanding this program. my first try was work in a clone of "Galaxian" to apply the little i have learned.

    So at first istance, i've puted the sprite (player) in the layout and the bullet to fire too.

    but i don't understand what it's happend, because when you shoot, the bullet allways go from left to right, i want it from down to up... and i don't find the way to change it..

    I know this is a poor and simple question, but i am starting, and... you know:

    beginings are difficult.

    So please, can anybody help me?

    here is the .cap file: ... n-cap.html

    thanks, and greetings from Spain!

  • thanks a lot!

    you have only change the bullet's angle? true?

    and by the way... can you give me a little xplain about this, please?

    now is the same thing with the enemy ships...

    Do you know any tutorial where anybody talk about this?

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  • Yes only that.

  • and by the way... can you give me a little xplain about this, please?

    now is the same thing with the enemy ships...

    Do you know any tutorial where anybody talk about this?

  • Im afraid not and even in construct wiki there in no thing about it (yet), im afraid you have to figure it out on your own. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.

  • ok i'll be waiting for some info about all this, but meanwhile if you don't care i would like to know why this is happend, i mean, i've seen in your fix, you put the angle in the common properties to 1,469 and the event sheet editor you set the angle to 270...

    �why is this?

    and i see the "box" around the bullet when you selct it, is like this:

    <img src="">

    and the "box" around the "enemy ship" is like this:

    <img src="">

    �what is that "central square" wich is at the left in the bullet and in the center in the "enemy ship"? and �how can i change it and for what?

    i try to change it in the "enemy ship" but i can't...

    have it anything in common with the bullet's direction?

    here is the new file: ... 2-cap.html

    hope you can help me again, thank you!

  • �why is this?

    The 1,469 should be 0 but i changed it by hand so it was innacurate. Oh yeah and remember in construct 0 angle means Right (thats why i rotated your lazer beam), so when i change the bullet angle in events to 270 it direction is changed to Up which determine where bullet will go.

    �what is that "central square" wich is at the left in the bullet and in the center in the "enemy ship"? and �how can i change it and for what?

    Its hot-spot, what it does its the center of sprite in simple speaking so if your sprite will be rotated it will have hot-spot as your center of sprite. You can change hot-spot in picture editing, its that red cross below elipse tool.

    And yeah in that enemy ship change his Angle rotation to "No rotation" or if you want him to change his direction properly just rotate him by -90 degrees

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