how can i access global variable 'score'?

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Globals 2.0
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Globals 2.0 stores and group variables. You can also load and save data (variables) from/to JSON files.
  • hi,

    i have created a small game which is present in the tutorial. but i want to access the score of this game so that i can keep a record of it.

    But i am not able to find any varibale which is keeping the tab on player score .

    can anyone help me with it plz

  • If the variable is not visible to you while you've added it, then it may be out of scope; it may actually be a local variable. Create it outside the scope, at start of event sheet is best for global variables.

    Just guessing.

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  • If the variable is not visible to you while you've added it, then it may be out of scope; it may actually be a local variable. Create it outside the scope, at start of event sheet is best for global variables.

    Just guessing.

    I didn't think Construct Classic had local variables <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    crow, you can try global('score') to pull it's value in an expression field, and look in the System object for conditions and actions related to global variables.

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