How do I change the data in AJAX

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  • Hello!

    I have two AJAX actions in the game. Both request the content of a different txt-file. Once the data of the first txt-file has been requested, the second request has no effect. The content is not updated to the content of the second txt-file. The stored content in AJAX remains that of the first txt-file. Does anybody have an idea how to change the data in the AJAX storage?



  • Hello!

    I have two AJAX actions in the game. Both request the content of a different txt-file. Once the data of the first txt-file has been requested, the second request has no effect. The content is not updated to the content of the second txt-file. The stored content in AJAX remains that of the first txt-file. Does anybody have an idea how to change the data in the AJAX storage?



    You probably invoke both action almost simultaneously, high chance it won't work. Invoke the ajax action one at a time, see screenshot, this is from my actual project and it works!


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  • Thx for ur promp help! Let me check if it helps...

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