How do I detect specific collision ??

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  • Guys i wonder if i can detect if objects hit my main object from back side, front or sides ? Is there a method to understand if an object hit you from your back ?

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  • You could pin different hit detectors around your main object and then check when something hits that hit detector. You can turn the hit detector invisible.

  • You could pin different hit detectors around your main object and then check when something hits that hit detector. You can turn the hit detector invisible.

    Ohh i did not know that there are hit detectors Can you tell me where can i find them and how can i add them to my object i looked for them but could not find :/

  • Ohh i think i understand now you are suggesting that i pin invisible objects around my main character and check if these objects get hit. Brilliant solution thank you very much

  • Ohh i think i understand now you are suggesting that i pin invisible objects around my main character and check if these objects get hit. Brilliant solution thank you very much

    Correct. You would create some invisible objects and pin them to where you need them on your character and then those objects are the ones you want to detect collisions with.

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