How do I do top-down jumping over low walls?

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  • I'd like to disable players collision with only certain objects while flagged as jumping but disabling the players collisions lets player jump over anything and disabling collisions from walls does work for player but means I can't have anything else that could collide with it.

    So how do I make it so that the walls ignore player but not everything else?

  • If the player is jumping "over" the wall why would you need to disable anything? Sounds like you need to tweak your collision bounds in both the player and the walls, and maybe your jump power.

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  • If the player is jumping "over" the wall why would you need to disable anything? Sounds like you need to tweak your collision bounds in both the player and the walls, and maybe your jump power.

    What do you mean by jumping power? It's top-down and doing z coordinates doesn't seem worth it, so jumping is only changing a variable and an animation.

  • [quote:hrtiebrn] It's top-down

    Sorry I misread title

    You could put an instance variable in player set to jump=0 and have it set to 1 when jumping. In your collision event with wall have it condition out jump=0.

    You might find it easier to turn off wall collision and use is-overlapping instead then if its overlapping wall and jump=1 it ignores overlap and passes through otherwise have it stop movement and maybe move back a pixel or two. The key is you need to set the jumped items collision/overlap and not the players.

  • Maukka

    See if this post helps you

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