How do I fix Minify script error?

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  • I'm testing to change Scirra Construct 2 projects to .exe. Because, I want to share it to others. So when I change it to .exe, it says that I must have Java 8+ installed. So, installed Java 8 Update 77 (the latest update), than I try it one more time, the error message appeared again. I reinstalled Java 8, and it stills don't work.. PLEASE HELP!!

  • Please give more information, such as OS, C2 version, NWjs version.

    This will help us to try and determine your problem.

    As you are trying to export using NWjs, then minifying is not really necessary, especially if just sharing with friends.

  • Please give more information, such as OS, C2 version, NWjs version.

    This will help us to try and determine your problem.

    As you are trying to export using NWjs, then minifying is not really necessary, especially if just sharing with friends.

    My Specs :

    Processor : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 887 1.50Ghz

    RAM : 2.00 GB (1.79 GB usable)

    32-bit operating system

    Service Pack 1

    Java 8 Update 77 (32-bit)

    Construct 2 r213

    NW.js v0.12.0 (Chronium 41) [r216 and older only]

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  • Why on Earth are you still using such an old version? Supporting such an old version is not really such a good idea.

    Many bugs have since been fixed, some of which may have an impact on any problems you are having.

    Please update to the latest stable r227 and try again.

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