How do I get my game to play faster?

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  • Hi guys, starting my first game on Construct 2...made a Demo so far:I dunno if this is the right forum for this (it is a Demo), but I'm having some performance issues with the game...

    When I play it in Chrome, the game moves painfully slow...also, alot of the fonts I used while programming don't show up at all (Is it a WebGL thing? not sure).

    And when I play it on my Mobile (iPhone 4 using the Browser), the same thing happens as well.

    But when I play it in IE (Internet Explorer), it runs a little bit better...still slow on preloading things (sounds effects, music, etc) but all of the fonts show up.

    So is it on the Browser side of things? Do I need to update them or something? Or just something I'm doing wrong in Construct 2? (as far as my game settings).

    Again, thanks for any help, and all the help given before. And how do you add rep points to the other posters?

    EDIT: It says I can't post my game URL b/c of low post count...any way around this? Cause I would like to show what is wrong.

  • ShinobiSlash

    To post a URL, just remove the full stops from the start of the url or add a couple of spaces. Many ways around the limitation.


    Hope this works...please check it out. Thanks for recommending that zenox

  • Well, that game runs fine. I am assuming your code and sprites are whats causing the issue but I won't know until I take a look at the capx.

  • Well, that game runs fine. I am assuming your code and sprites are whats causing the issue but I won't know until I take a look at the capx.

    Sorry for the delay, but thanks for running it for me. I'll try to post the capx soon.

    Will it be private? I don't wanna give it out for the whole world to see,

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  • ShinobiSlash I wouldn't worry, lol. No one is going to take your amazing project worth millions of dollars. You can always PM if you need to.

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