How do I launch external program

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  • I'm building a game/program launcher menu for myself and would like to be able to launch external programs when clicking on a thumbnail of that program. For example, I click on a thumbnail of Borderlands and the game is then launched.

    I know how to program the rest, I just need the ability to launch an external program by clicking a button / image.

    This is only for myself (on a laptop for my kids really) so security isn't an issue. Ive searched the 'How Do I' forum as well as the manual but can't seem to find anything about it. Any help would be appreciated!


  • As far as I know its *not* possible to launch an external executive with html/js/whatever web related (normally). Http is shown in the browser and does not get access from anything outside the runtime. Mainly on security purposes, otherwise you could force a visitor, downloading something (js or other scripts), even a image file or something, containing some ad-/malware/virus/whatever code and forcing the client in the next second to execute this code which is decrypted as an executive file.

    Maybe things changed in the past year, but this is what I know about that topic :/

    Maybe its possible to do such with using an active-x component when you get it somehow implemented into the project/files, but that would make your site "IE-only".

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  • If it's just for you, and I notice you have a license, then Node-webkit my be the way to go (see attached - requires r184 or above). This has the ability to run any file you wish.

  • This has the ability to run any file you wish.

    Have we already gone that far in science? Thanks for the information!

  • > This has the ability to run any file you wish.


    Have we already gone that far in science? Thanks for the information!

    node webkit is the "computer executable" wrapper used in C2, it adds some features over chrome, notably open, run and write files on the system, but you will have an exe at the end.

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