How Do I Make A Sun/Moon Transition

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  • Sup peeps,

    I seen some stuff on Mipey day to night transition and I just dont understand man.Can I make the sun go up in the sky and back down in a orbiting fashion without having to know Trigonometry? I suck at math.

  • I would also love to know this,I have also took a look at Mipeys example,I was looking for an alternate take on how to do this.I dont know much about sin and cos.

  • Whatup rookie, Yeah I know man I have been trying to figure this out for hours. I really need this for my game because its based in on this premise. I hope someone helps me soon and thanks rookie.

  • Can some please help me.I am stuck with this,I apologize for being a bother but I have over 200 views with no reply telling me anything at all about my issue. Thanks

  • Usually, when people don't get a response it's because they weren't clear enough in the description of their problem. We don't all know Mipey's day to night transition.

    With that in mind, I'm totally guessing here: is this what you're after?

  • GeometriX thank you, I was just reading some of the things not too do on the forums, I do apologize for not being as detailed and also for not adding a capX. I want to thank you for what you did Geo.This is my first time asking for help,And what you showed me is exactly what im looking for.This type of example should be in the main tutorials

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  • Cool, glad to be of help. At least now you know for next time :P

  • One thing I want to ask about this GeometriX,Where did you find the Rotate BehaviorI must be blind as a bat because I did not see that one.

  • It's with all the other behaviours:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I guess this is just what it feels like to be new once again. Im just blind as a bat Geo, Thanks for opening my eyes literally.You should definitely make a Link in the examples. This is the last question I will ask you GeometriX you have done too much as it is,If I want to add a random variable into what you shown me how could I do this in construct. What I mean by this is I have a blood moon that I want to come out at random in-between what you already shown me.With what you have done so far I know its possible, But can I make it random is the question.

  • GeometriX this is awesome but it did not work for me.I want to send you my capX file in a pm so you can look at it.I dont understand why it wont work when i have everything in place.I would put it on here but i have some copyrighted sprites and i dont want people to misuse them.

  • It works for me Rookie, I just went ahead and used Geos idea. You also might have some complex stuff going on that I dont.So I hope you get some help thanks again for your reply even though you didnt answer my question rookie. Love,Peace and Afro Grease!

  • If I want to add a random variable into what you shown me how could I do this in construct. What I mean by this is I have a blood moon that I want to come out at random in-between what you already shown me.With what you have done so far I know its possible, But can I make it random is the question.

    I've updated my example to show a quick way to do this using the RGB effect. This is WebGL only so it won't work on mobile (for now), but the idea remains the same: roll a random number, do something with the results of that number.

    RookieDev, check your PM.

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