How do I move physics objects

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This is a code so you can see the same skin on all screens (peers). Each peer gets a skin, in addition to 4 directions t
  • I am making a garrys mod clone and want to add a "physics gun". If you have played the game you know that the physics gun allows you to move objects around. I want the gun in my game to behave more or less the same to the one in garrys mod. You select an object with the gun and then you can drag your mouse around the screen and the object would follow at a certain speed and stop in the crosshair, where you selected it. It is a physics object so I cant use position and angle actions. I am also using the nickname plugin and behavior. If there are any third party plugins that would help me I have no problem in installing them.

    .capx: ... ile%2ccapx

    Thanks for the help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I am currently tired and sick so excuse my explaining skills, I will probabley edit this in the morning.

  • You are using the nickname-plugin, which I don't use, so I'm sorry I can't help..

  • You are using the nickname-plugin, which I don't use, so I'm sorry I can't help..

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  • You are using the nickname-plugin, which I don't use, so I'm sorry I can't help..

    I think the part of the .capx I need help with runs without the nickname plugin, I was just telling you in case I could use that plugin to fix the problem.

  • I figured it out. I used another object that follows the mouse and jointed it to the object that is being used.

  • > You are using the nickname-plugin, which I don't use, so I'm sorry I can't help..


    Useful post...

    It is quite usefull to tell people why you can't help when you would have wanted to..

    If someone uses 3rd party plug-ins in their project, chances are much greater other people won't be able to open their projects..

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