How do I recover an exported project?

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  • I would like to recover an exported project. Unfortunately i don't have it saved as a capx file anymore. But something went wrong and what was working in the exported version isn't working now. So i would like to recover it, or maybe just see the code to compare what i did wrong. Is there a way to recover or open a exported file?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • I would like to recover an exported project. Unfortunately i don't have it saved as a capx file anymore. But something went wrong and what was working in the exported version isn't working now. So i would like to recover it, or maybe just see the code to compare what i did wrong. Is there a way to recover or open a exported file?

    Thanks in advance!

    This is impossible, for obvious reasons.

    Ashley has ensured that the exported project is obfuscated as much as possible in order to prevent anyone from stealing the work. Therefore there is no way to match the exported javascript back to the event system.

    I can't understand why you wouldn't have the original .capx, or at least a backup.

  • I have a steam version, so autosave is disabled to avoid sluggishness. And i've made some changes to the code after exporting for testing. But i didn't saved it before doing the changes...that is where i screwed things up. I know it is my fault, but now it is done, and there is nothing i could do, unless do figure out what went wrong...i was hoping that could be some easy way to do it.

    Thank you!

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