How do I Spawn Particles Behind Character

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From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • Hello, I feel like I have been asking way more questions then normally lately. But everyone here has been very helpful. So my character goes into a fast roll. And I made fire like particles to trail behind while he is rolling. Every thing is working nicely. And the fire looks great. But, when it spawn on the spawn point. It is spawing on top of the player and I would like it in back.

    I though about trying to.

    Make a box that spawns the fire. Setting its position to player image point but behind him on the z order. But Was not sure if this would work. Was not sure if there was a simple formula I could use to spawn the particles behind the player. Thanks for your help.

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  • There are a couple things you could do.

    1: Add a layer specifically for particle effects. It would have to be above the background layer and below the character layer. Then when you create a particle object, make sure it is created on this layer.

    2: After spawning a particle object, send it behind the character by using the "Move to Object" action. This allows you to set if it is in front or behind the character.

    In my opinion, the first option is the better one. It is more extensible if you set specific layers for different objects. It also makes it easier when testing.

  • Thank you for the response. I will give them both a try. The first one does seem more practical. But as I am currently playing with the free version. My layers are limited. So I might have to experiment with the second option until I can afford to buy the program in a month or two. Thanks!

  • Since you're using the free version and have limited layers you could probably get away with just spawning the particles on the background layer. As you've already seen they will spawn in front of everything anyways. Then once you upgrade you can create your own separate layer for the effects.

  • Since you're using the free version and have limited layers you could probably get away with just spawning the particles on the background layer. As you've already seen they will spawn in front of everything anyways. Then once you upgrade you can create your own separate layer for the effects.

    This worked Well good idea!

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