How Many People Were Not Able to Buy a License?

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • I am one. I wanted to buy the standard version, to get pass the free version's 100 event limit. Just unemployment kept me back still. Can not get gas for the car without help from the church. One day though, I might be able to get it. These past several months just were not good timing for me.

    So, just curious who else wanted to buy a license but were unable to for C2.

  • GSPforChrist, you can still buy a license. I'm not sure what you mean by "... People Were Not Able to Buy a License".

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  • Velojet I think he means that he can't afford the license.

  • Or maybe he means during the Early Adopters period.

  • Strange topic....haven't seen anything like that in other vendor boards...

  • I'm the opposite. I bought a license but have no time to use it due to employment.

  • Hey Gsp,

    I recently saw a post in here about a trade being made; Art assets for a C2 license. I have no idea what your ability is (Coding, Art, some people may even need extensive beta testing), but if you have something to offer im fairly sure you could make the same kind of deal.

    Just a thought.

  • I won't buy it for this reason:

    Construct was supposed to be open source and free. They abandoned CC although it is in dire need of a bug fix. Hell, it crqashes all the time.

  • I won't buy it for this reason:

    Construct was supposed to be open source and free. They abandoned CC although it is in dire need of a bug fix. Hell, it crqashes all the time.

    CC is still open source, as far as I know. Also, I heard the bugs in CC would require a whole rewrite of the engine, not just a bugfix.

    Hey Gsp,

    I recently saw a post in here about a trade being made; Art assets for a C2 license. I have no idea what your ability is (Coding, Art, some people may even need extensive beta testing), but if you have something to offer im fairly sure you could make the same kind of deal.

    I offered this in a this post, in exchange for pixel art related assets.

  • Sorry, all. Yes, I mean the Early Adopters. Really sorry about that.

    True, I can not afford it.

    Naw, drawing is nothing I can do. Thanks though.

    I was curious because, for me, unemployment and asking for help just for food and gas limits my spending. <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Wanted to see how many other people really wanted C2 at the discount, but could not for whatever reason.

    Just a topic to see what other people had to say.

    This is in no way a post about me complaining I was laid off or anything. Just a simple question to see what other boats people are on, in, or so forth.

  • Urled, CC needed a rewrite because it was badly architected and it was going to be extremely difficult to ever fix those issues. Really it's beyond repair. So we rewrote it to fix all the issues and called it Construct 2. More info in the original open letter to the Construct community and some more in this more recent thread.

  • I'm a little not getting paid at the moment, so even a small amount of money requires consideration. I had meant to buy it before the early adopter period was over, but I just missed the deadline. still planning on buying it once I finish up my current project in CC.

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