How to change controls? :S

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Supports keyboard, mouse and gamepads. Supports several gamepads at once.
  • Goddamnit, so stupid question... How to change custom controls?

  • I think the question is not stupid, but badly formed.

    What controls do you want to change exactly ?

    You can use the keyboard plugin to "shortcut" most of the behaviors and "Simulate controls".

    Depending on the behavior you are trying to "shortcut" you can check the How do I FAQ, there are several examples of changing/emulating the controls.

  • I think the question is not stupid, but badly formed.

    What controls do you want to change exactly ?

    You can use the keyboard plugin to "shortcut" most of the behaviors and "Simulate controls".

    Depending on the behavior you are trying to "shortcut" you can check the How do I FAQ, there are several examples of changing/emulating the controls.

    Default controls in Construct kinda of:

    Arrows to move and Shift to Jump.

    I want to change it like in Construct Classic:

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Have a look at Platform 4 (custom controls).capx in the examples directory.

  • It doesn't work like in CC.

    You have default controls set to the behavior you are using.

    For example using a platform behavior for your character, you will have a property "Default control" in the properties bar.

    To change the controls, you have to set it to no, and then with a keyboard object you'd have first inserted into the layout/project, you intercept the commands.

    I can't seem to find a good example showing right now, but you can see the technic used in several platformer examples of the how do I FAQ.

    Edit: Of course, I jumped the obvious, the example folder.

    Thanks Ashley.

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  • Big thanks guys!

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