HUD broken when switching layouts

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  • Hey all !

    I'm making a quick game and the HUD works properly at start. It has only 2 text boxes and it scrolls as expected with the camera.

    Until I switch to a different layout. I visible them off (although I did test it keeping them visible all the time) and, when I go back to the original layout, it stops scrolling.

    I tried a lot of things, but nothing worked so far.

    Can you guys give me a help, please ?

    Thanks !

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  • Hey all !

    I'm making a quick game and the HUD works properly at start. It has only 2 text boxes and it scrolls as expected with the camera.

    Until I switch to a different layout. I visible them off (although I did test it keeping them visible all the time) and, when I go back to the original layout, it stops scrolling.

    I tried a lot of things, but nothing worked so far.

    Can you guys give me a help, please ?

    Thanks !

    We can only guess at this point. You can make it clearer with a .capx file or a brief description or sample .capx file

  • Oopsie !

    Sorry for that. Here it goes: Thank you !

  • Dammit, it blocked the URL..


    2nd try

  • Dammit, it blocked the URL..


    2nd try

    Sorry late reply cause I just got back. Is the problem about the scrolling after changing layouts? If it is, it seems to be working when I tested it. What seems to be the problem?

  • Yeap, that's the problem.

    The HUD stopped scrolling after I go to a different layout and go back to the "game" (at least for me).

    Haven't you got the same problem ?

    Thank you anyway for taking a look !

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