I just want to say thanks to Scirra!

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  • Thank you for making such an easy to learn and impressive toolset. I have always dreamed of making video games, and now that I am 30 I am realizing I have less and less time to follow those dreams.

    I have looked into numerous Game Creation Kits up till now (Unity 3D, Gamemaker, RPG Maker, ect) and until recently could never muster the courage or the will to try them. Bar RPG Maker. But RPG Maker is a bit....specific in what it can do.

    Finally I decided to try Construct 2, when it got released on Steam. Within an hour I had done the beginner tutorial and had made a simple game, and then had done a Platformer tutorial, and then after another 3-4 hours had made my first platformer, Square Platforms.

    Since then, I have done 2 more games (Escape from Omega Base being the one I am most proud of!) and am working on a 4th right now. And ever game I make, I get a bit faster, a bit better at how Construct 2 works.

    So thank you. This software is amazing! I fully intend to pick up a full version when I can as I want to improve Escape from Omega Base (its at the 100 event limit) and also eventually create my own RPG (debating between JRPG or Action RPG). And who knows what else I may come up with!

    So thank you Scirra for creating this software! Lets hope it keeps on trucking!

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  • Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoy C2 and hope you make some cool games! :)

  • Welcome to the C2 Community.

    Hope you can enjoy make games with C2 :)

  • Been a few months, but I will always chip in with the sentiment. I love C2 and has given me new rejuvenation to make games. I just got so sick of coding :|

    yay C2 :)

  • Stomphoof Welcome to the community. I completely agree with you! This is a great place full of (mostly) great folks who truly like to help eachother move the platform forward!

  • Yeah I want to jump on the bandwagon to, I went to uni to learn game design and walked away with a degree that I soon found unless as no one will hire you without having a game out (design wise anyway)

    I have tried to make games in the past and ill be honest most of the programmers who said they would do it after a month or so stop due to life issues or not being bothered or so on.

    Ive been burned more then once so was getting frustrated with it as I know i can design them I just cant make them.

    Then I saw this and jumped in and fingers crossed am actually on my way to making a small game I came up with.

    If this goes well Ill carry on making them so I fully intend to grab a paid copy of construct when I can.

  • Welcome to the C2 Community.

    Hope you can enjoy make games with C2 :)

    Stomphoof Welcome to the community. I completely agree with you! This is a great place full of (mostly) great folks who truly like to help eachother move the platform forward!

    Thanks both of you. And BluePhaze: I have already used 2 of your platformer tutorials to see if I could learn how to do double and wall jumping. It was a lot easier then I thought it would be!

  • I've just picked up Construct myself and are chewing through the tutorials. I feel a lot the same way. I work as a developer and made a lot of small games in pygame, jMonkeyengine etc etc. It gets kind of boring though to write all that boilerplate code, and time is a luxury.

    I played a lot with Unity3d and I like it, but feel that all that 3D mostly gets in my way since I prefer simple 2D games to make my kids happy. Construct feels good so far, I think I'll enjoy it.

  • Scirra-C2 is the best game maker software I've ever tried. I don't know any programming language but I was able to create some simple game just by reading the manuals and follow tutorials. It is indeed AWESOME!

  • I like those kind of topics :)

  • Well for Valentines Day my wife got me Construct 2 :3 So here we go! :D

  • Well for Valentines Day my wife got me Construct 2 :3 So here we go! :D

    Best love-proof ever or what ?

  • > Well for Valentines Day my wife got me Construct 2 :3 So here we go! :D

    Best love-proof ever or what ?

    Hell yea!

    Now I just gotta get started on my dream game: a Legend of Mana inspired RPG

  • Stomphoof

    A Legend of Mana inspired RPG? That sounds awesome! Used to love playing that game when I was younger. Goodluck!

    Ontopic- Thank you for this sweet piece of software, Scirra! It took me about 2 years on my project on other software to get to a low-level stage where I had learnt that the software doesn't provide certain useful features (zooming in/out, efficient physics intergration, bunch of other stuff) but then I found Construct Classic, and instantly loved it, and begun debating if I should remake and continue my project through CC. I looked around the forums a lot and then tried out C2 and bam, my choice instantly became Construct 2. The frequent updates, nice community, friendly company, random competitions, watching Scirra reach further and further (steam integration), and many more reasons just add to the awesomeness of C2!

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