Interactive Website with C2!

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Template for making an interactive book or a simple story book
  • I am using Construct 2 to create an interactive website for Super Ubie Land. Still in the works but this is version 3 of it. The update goes live in a couple of hours. At the moment has an older version online.

    HTM5/Construct 2 = AMAZING


  • That's awesome, very cool! I like the possibilities of Construct2 making some cool interactive websites.

    Keep up the great work. Is there anything that was difficult to get working for a website as opposed to putting together a game?

  • Thank you. Yes this was made completely in Construct 2.

    The website was pretty simple to put together. Just a lot of smaller tedious stuff like linking up URLs and things like that. Nothing major at all.

  • It's looks amazing :) good work. Haven't seen anyone try this before!

  • Indeed, HTML5 is new flash

  • Looking good!

    The question poses itself, however: are there fallbacks for unsupported browsers? (Not that they'd likely be able to run the game as well...)

  • Looking good!

    The question poses itself, however: are there fallbacks for unsupported browsers? (Not that they'd likely be able to run the game as well...)

    Mipey Why anyone would use IE 6?

  • I think old IE browsers are still a significant portion of the market share, partially thanks to schools/libraries/etc not bothering to update.

  • It runs well in the version of IE that I have. The only thing is that the music itself isn't playing at all. Not sure if there's a setting I have to enable/disable. But overall everyone I know the site works as intended. Hopefully that's the same for thousands of others.

  • NotionGames There's one thing I'm concerned about. There have been a few threads about making interactive sites in C2, and one of the main issues brought up was the lack of 'searchability' -i.e since there is no actual 'text' on the site, google won't turn it up after a search.

    I'd keep that in mind. At the moment, googling 'super ubie land' doesn't show

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  • Yea I was wondering about that. Maybe I could make a site that leads to the interactive portion of it. Like where people have to press ENTER or something. I'm not sure

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