Introducing: B.LAST - Born to LAST

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  • My game finally has a title.

    I don't really care if you call it B dot LAST or BLAST, or Born to Last or Born Last or what. The official title is B.LAST - Born to Last. The important thing is that a demo is coming relatively soon, and I'll need a lot of feedback to make this game fun.

    A couple hundred hours into this project, I decided that having a title up front was less important than creating a good game, and molding the title around it. However, I did make myself a promise. To keep from procrastinating forever on naming the project, I decided to pick a ludicrously large number of development hours to be the goal for having a title. I picked 3000 hours.

    I didn't really foresee it getting here in only 6 months, but guess what:

    Also, I discovered this glitch:

    And it was pretty cool so I'm leaving it in.


  • I love the art style you have for your game. The blocky dark tones you have add to how amazing this game is going to be...not to mention the time you have put into it

  • I love the art style you have for your game. The blocky dark tones you have add to how amazing this game is going to be...not to mention the time you have put into it

    Thanks for taking a look! I am really pushing some of the limits of the html5 engine with this game. If I can balance the features and frame rate, it's going to be a hell of a game. It's buggy right now, but very playable. I am readying a playable alpha demo version for release as soon as possible.

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  • Just based on the box behavior and from what i can see in the pictures it does look like you are definitely pushing it to the limit ("Push it to the limit" by Paul Engemann should be playing right now). Anywho I wish you luck with cutting the lag out of it, I can't wait to play the Alpha if I get the opportunity.

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