IOS + Crosswalk XDK experiences

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  • 4 posts
  • Crosswalk works nicely when exporting to android. It also allows you to use Admob. There are tutorials and lots of info related to exporting to Android with Crosswalk, but this is not happening with IOS exporting... So please share your experiences:

    • Can you export to IOS with Crosswalk?
    • Do IOS-XDK exported projects have a good performance?
    • Is Admob working on IOS exports?
    • How do you export to IOS with Crosswalk?
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  • I have managed to test a IOS port on my Ipad using Intel App Preview. Works fine, but no sound and no Admob Ads.

    The files were the same used to make the Android port.

  • I have managed to test a IOS port on my Ipad using Intel App Preview. Works fine, but no sound and no Admob Ads.

    The files were the same used to make the Android port.

    clockworkmonster: Try to use phonegap to export the capx instead of android.

  • I've tried and had no luck with using Intel XDK and creating iOS games. Everything is fine except I can't find a solution to the no-sound issue.

    Someone, flemming I think his name was came up with setting the sound lock on his iPhone to unlocked but I have no such option on my iPad 2. Just an option to choose whether to make a sound for the "lock screen".

    Can anyone help with this?

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