items skew and disappear in editor

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  • 15 posts
From the Asset Store
A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • Problem Description

    Items skew, shift position, and disappear in the editor, when zooming, and panning.

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    This capx is just a bare storefront. It's spritefonts and one green sprite should skew and shift in the editor.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Pan around and zoom in and out in the editor.

    Observed Result

    The spritefonts and 1 green sprite should shift position.

    Expected Result

    Items remain in their current orientation and appropriate scale when panning and zooming.

    Affected Browsers

    This is an editor specific issue. The game runs correctly in NW.js and Chrome.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


    P.S Sorry for not following these steps when first submitting the problem.

  • I had the same problem.


    I had the same problem.

    Thanks for the reply but alas, even with the latest driver the problem persists.

  • Thanks for the reply but alas, even with the latest driver the problem persists.

    Install the construct 2 32bits (x86) version.

  • > Thanks for the reply but alas, even with the latest driver the problem persists.


    Install the construct 2 32bits (x86) version.

    I'm not sure what the actual advantage is of the x64 version but I'm going to stick with it. I went through the link to the original thread and that was really helpful, thanks! With preview effects off the editor seems to be working correctly. I'd like to know why the x64 architecture is involved though; I think that's pretty interesting.

  • I noticed this happened after using "force own texture".

  • Looks fine here, can't see any visual issues at all while panning and scrolling around. Have you tried updating your graphics card drivers?

  • Ashley Hey! Yeah, I have the newest Geforce driver. I'm wondering if this is an issue specific to Nvidia users? Unless I'm mistaken, everyone that's posted with this issue is using Nvidia products.

  • I had this issue when I was using nvidia. I still have this issue while using amd. My only work around is to turn off "force own texture" while working with those layers.

  • I had this issue when I was using nvidia. I still have this issue while using amd. My only work around is to turn off "force own texture" while working with those layers.

    Oddly, I don't have the issue with force own texture, so potentially that is a separate issue impacting AMD? Was that happening with the Nvidia card as well?

  • The system I tested on has a nVidia GTX 1070, and it seemed fine, so it can't be just because it's nVidia.

  • hmm okay I'll try completely removing the driver and reinstalling from scratch and see if that works.Thanks for your time with this!

    EDIT: That didn't work either. I'm on a GTX 560, if that is at all helpful.

  • ultrafop, did you manage to solve this issue?

    I'm observing it right now, after the latest update to r244, in the project that didn't have such problems with previous versions of Construct 2. I've been checking on two machines with integrated Intel video card.

  • ultrafop, did you manage to solve this issue?

    I'm observing it right now, after the latest update to r244, in the project that didn't have such problems with previous versions of Construct 2. I've been checking on two machines with integrated Intel video card.

    I wish, buddy. I thought it was specific to Nvidia but it seems you're having the issue with intel... Maybe it will be addressed if it starts impacting more users?

    EDIT: If you turn off effects preview in the editor, you won't see your effects, but the distortion will go away.

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    I had the same problem.

    Hey, it's been a while since this topic was discussed. Did you find a solution to the problem. I fixed the issue in my project. I found that the 9-patch on my layer that had the Seams to "overlay" caused the issue. I hope this helps.

    This issue persisted with me through the life of my project. I was disabling force own texture as a way to work around it, but it was never 100% perfect. I had been recently working on my inventory and noticed that when I was copy and pasting multiple 9-patches in rows and columns, the objects would look as if they were on a different layer x.+400, y.+400 offset. Knowing where the actual object really was, I continued creating my inventory menu. Messing with transparency, I noticed that the seams needed switching. After the first two 9-patches next to each other were set to "Exact" seams, they were no longer offset in a different spot. Repeat for (loop) each 9 patch and it's been working flawless. The objects in close proximity to the 9 patches were no longer skewed.

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