Layer Zoom help

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  • Is it possible to zoom in (x2) on a specific layer at runtime?

    Do I have to use the layer "set zoom offset" action? I tried using that, but no matter what value I put in it it makes the layer 50% of the normal size.

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  • Is it possible to zoom in (x2) on a specific layer at runtime?

    Do I have to use the layer "set zoom offset" action? I tried using that, but no matter what value I put in it it makes the layer 50% of the normal size.

    Zooming at runtime for individual layers works fine for me. And "set zoom offset" would be the correct action as well. It's the same as the ZoomX/ZoomY properties of the layer. Are you sure that you didnt change the ZoomX/Y RATE properties of that layer unintentionally. Since that could kind of explain things.

    Other than that: share a cap.

  • I was putting in tiny values - when I should have been putting in "200". For some reason when it said ratio values, I thought it would mean small values like 1.5 and 2. LOL

    Thanks for the help!

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