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  • Hi. I just made a platform game with some levels (6 at the moment). each level contains 3 Checkpoints. So in my third level I have the problem, that sometimes the level just resetts. Its always near the same spot when it happens. But there is nothing special! It teleports my character just to the beginning from the level and all enemys, coins... are back and alive. And the checkpoints are also resettet. What kind of problem could it be? Thanks guys!

  • Hi. I just made a platform game with some levels (6 at the moment). each level contains 3 Checkpoints. So in my third level I have the problem, that sometimes the level just resetts. Its always near the same spot when it happens. But there is nothing special! It teleports my character just to the beginning from the level and all enemys, coins... are back and alive. And the checkpoints are also resettet. What kind of problem could it be? Thanks guys!

    It's going to be impossible to offer realistic help without either a .capx or snapshots of your Events. The problem could be anything, and without further info, it's just a wild guessing game.

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  • Okey thats true so then just 1 question, how many objects are normal for 1 level ( 1 Layout )? I think thats my problem ( very high CPU ).

    I just play it on my desktop computer and I have a lot of laggs and performance problems in some levels. At the moment I have more than 10'000 Objects.

    But not just on 1 layout, 8 layouts at the moment. Could that be the reason why it just resetts the level? Because it cannot handle it?

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