.mp4 not playing on android SOLVED

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • I tried export my project building the apk with the video in my project with all possible extensions .ogv, .webm and .mp4 formats (mp4 with android standards codec, h264 ecc), But no one is played..

    I also tried to "launch" the video with touch-trigger input But nothing to do..

    what's the problem? How to solve it? Please HELP ME..

    EDIT solved moving video files (after export .zip file) from www[/b] to www\media subfolder.

    Now video playing fine, even without trigger input.

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  • I tried export my project building the apk with the video in my project with all possible extensions .ogv, .webm and .mp4 formats (mp4 with android standards codec, h264 ecc), But no one is played..

    I also tried to "launch" the video with touch-trigger input But nothing to do..

    what's the problem? How to solve it? Please HELP ME..


  • > I tried export my project building the apk with the video in my project with all possible extensions .ogv, .webm and .mp4 formats (mp4 with android standards codec, h264 ecc), But no one is played..

    > I also tried to "launch" the video with touch-trigger input But nothing to do..

    > what's the problem? How to solve it? Please HELP ME..



    Is it possible that no one can give me a hand?

  • I tried export my project building the apk with the video in my project with all possible extensions .ogv, .webm and .mp4 formats (mp4 with android standards codec, h264 ecc), But no one is played..

    I also tried to "launch" the video with touch-trigger input But nothing to do..

    what's the problem? How to solve it? Please HELP ME..


  • EDIT solved moving video files (after export .zip file) from www[/b] to www\media subfolder. Now video playing fine, even without trigger input.

    It is still not working here, using phonegap export with .webm format

  • > EDIT solved moving video files (after export .zip file) from www[/b] to www\media subfolder. Now video playing fine, even without trigger input.


    It is still not working here, using phonegap export with .webm format

    i suggest to you open new topic, many new version of C3 was released since i opened this.

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