No Stretch?

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  • I'm just curious, is there a reason we don't have a simple 'stretch' fullscreen scaling option? Both Scale Outer and Scale Inner provide unwanted results depending on the devices you have not targeted. I feel a simple scale (height AND width) to fit the display would suffice for a wide range of applications.

  • for wide range of application use Letterbox scale

  • I'm just curious, is there a reason we don't have a simple 'stretch' fullscreen scaling option? Both Scale Outer and Scale Inner provide unwanted results depending on the devices you have not targeted. I feel a simple scale (height AND width) to fit the display would suffice for a wide range of applications.

    One of the reason I heard was because It'll be ugly (which is mostly true, with a lot of different aspect ratios, the stretch can be really annoying), apart from that I don't know if there is another reason.

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  • for wide range of application use Letterbox scale

    I already use letterbox scale, but I'd rather not have black bars on my games!

    One of the reason I heard was because It'll be ugly (which is mostly true, with a lot of different aspect ratios, the stretch can be really annoying), apart from that I don't know if there is another reason.

    Indeed, I can see how that would be an issue, especially for a mobile-designed game displayed on a desktop, but what about games that will be targeted only for mobile devices?

    My first released game was created using another engine and the scaling works fantastically on the different devices I tested (Phones + Tablets).

  • TwinTails I personnally design them with scale outer or scale inner, with the anchor behaviour placing or streching elements relative to the corner of the screen

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