Paying for games???

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Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template)
  • Hi All,

    It says on this website "If you make over $5000 revenue from your Construct 2 creations you will need to upgrade to the Business Edition License". Other than Android and iSO markets, how can you make money from the games made using Construct 2?? Are there any pay-to-play websites or something like that?

    I have a creation and am uploading it to the Arcade but I have having a LOT of problems trying to convert it to android correctly.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

  • There's a website called marketjs which lets you post games for publishers to see and offer to buy. That's just one example.

  • places like kongregate and adfly (adverteisments) there are some junctions where you can sell your games too

  • Unless you win the contest monthly, Kongregate is just garbage for earning any sort of money.

    As for MarketJS, its too early for anything like flash money, so you have to have an amazing game to earn anything.

    I haven't seen Adfly, but looks cool.

    Wonder if anyone made decent money yet on Google Play.

  • Any venue is crappy at best to make money with the current state of HTML5. The market has to mature in order to accommodate the new business model of HTML5.

    Using Play/Apple Store to make money is almost impossible.

    Best method is using Awesomium (or compact your game in an exe wrapper and sell your game on your own or using a portal like Desura. Or trying to get a piece of Windows Store while it's fresh off the oven.

    Also: marketing. Lots of it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hey All, out of curiosity, has anyone made decent money with C2 yet? I'm sure it's possible - I'd love to hear about it and get some inspiration!    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • EyeHawk: This question was already asked back in February in this topic.

  • Thanks Kyatric

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