performance and screen problem android

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Firebase: Analytics, Dynamic Links, Remote Config, Performance, Crashlytics on Android, iOS & Web Browser
  • Hello,

    What is the best way to make fullscreen for android phones?

    C2 export options?

    and xdk or cacoonjs?

    and how can I solve performance problem with xdk?


  • XDK full screen option selected.

    C2 export on full screen letterbox (most compatibility with some drawbacks which you can design around).

    Performance is up to you to constantly test your games during development. It can be resolved to a point where its decent, but it won't be blazing fast until Android/Chromium itself improves.

  • Performance can also depend on resolution, graphic quality and sprite size so check those too.

    Btw, what's the exact performance problem you're having with xdk?

  • You can display fullscreen in the browser too, which works in Chrome for Android.

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  • Thanks a lot:)

  • XDK full screen option selected.

    C2 export on full screen letterbox (most compatibility with some drawbacks which you can design around).

    Performance is up to you to constantly test your games during development. It can be resolved to a point where its decent, but it won't be blazing fast until Android/Chromium itself improves.

    I thought the best option was the scale outer. Letterbox scale will show black bars on both sides.

  • the screen type it really depends on how you design the game. but most non iphones (Android) are 16:9 res so letterbox works without black box because they are mostly the same aspect ratio

  • the screen type it really depends on how you design the game. but most non iphones (Android) are 16:9 res so letterbox works without black box because they are mostly the same aspect ratio

    Since I didn't understand very well those tutorials that teach you how to support multiply screen sizes, I'm using scale outer and making sure that everything important is shown.

    Ashley's tutorial says that any 16:9 resolution is ok to use. So, if I use 1280x720 it should fit perfectly on any device? It doesn't happen as I've noticed too.

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