Platform bug?(R126)

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Wanting to do a Shot n Run game easily? Here is your chance!
  • Any platform behavior(try the platform template in C2)

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Use the platform behavior with "default controls-yes"

    2. Press and hold"spacebar", press rigth(hold) and jump, everything is correct.

    3. Press and hold"spacebar", press left(hold) and jump, player doesn't jump.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Operating system:Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:R126

  • Closing as not a bug, most keyboards don't reliably detect more than two keys held at the same time.

  • Odd that it detects it with right but not with left... cesisco I will try it with my SideWinder keyboard which detects 20+ keys being pressed at a time due to anti-ghosting key tech. And see if I see the same issue.

  • BluePhaze - even if you don't have the issue, you still can't really design games like this, because 99% of people have cheapo keyboards which don't support more than 2 simultaneous keys reliably. Most keyboards support odd combinations of 3 keys but not all combinations of 3 keys, due to the way the electronics in cheap keyboards works.

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  • Closing as not a bug, most keyboards don't reliably detect more than two keys held at the same time.

    Ok Ashley thanks, maybe it's my crappy keyboard.But imagine i just have the platform behavior and 1 key to fire a gun(spacebar) this will happen again when you fire run or jump simultaneously, and this is not a odd configuration.

  • Odd that it detects it with right but not with left... cesisco I will try it with my SideWinder keyboard which detects 20+ keys being pressed at a time due to anti-ghosting key tech. And see if I see the same issue.

    BluePhaze thanks.

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