Platform Vector x issue?

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  • Hi all,

    anyone else encountered problems with using Platform Vector x ? On some of my sprites it works, on other it doesnt. I can't seem to find the reason because i have the same events for them. Is it a bug??

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  • Here you have an answer to a common mistake.

    You must change the value of deceleration

    .capx annexed file

  • Here you have an answer to a common mistake.

    You must change the value of deceleration

    .capx annexed file

    Thank you luisgmolina. Is it possible to save the capx to version 195? I cant open it unfortunately. But if that's like too much of a pain, i will update C2 soon.

  • I'm sorry, but I think I can not save the .capx file in version 195, I have installed the 197.

    you must download the new version R197

    or simply reduces the deceleration to 0 in you sprite phatform behavior and test your game.

  • I'm sorry, but I think I can not save the .capx file in version 195, I have installed the 197.

    you must download the new version R197

    or simply reduces the deceleration to 0 in you sprite phatform behavior and test your game.

    Unfortunately it didn't helped :/ what is even more weird, that it does function on other family of enemies.

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